K-1st grade may check out one book at a time until the teacher gives approval for more. 2nd-5th grade may start out checking out 2 books and move up no more than 4 at a time with to teacher approval.
When you check out a book, you are given 2 weeks to read it, but you may renew for an additional 2 weeks if needed.
If you have an overdue book or lost book from here or from another school, you may NOT check out any books until you return the book or pay for it.
You may NOT checkout your own books without permission. Mrs. Dean needs to be standing right beside you IF you have permission.
Students check-in their own books and place them on the correct bus.
*Overdue Books*
We do not charge a fee for overdue books. Other schools may. Books are overdue after the due date has passed (two weeks after you check it out).
If you lose a book, you owe the media center the cover price of the book so that it can be replaced. Books purchased for the media center are "library bound" because they are more durable. They are also more expensive.
Please take care of the books you borrow.
Once you check in with homeroom, you are welcome to come to the media center between 7:35am and 8:00am.